

Founder :
Shidiq Febrianto
Stefani vania
Ndy Pratama
Patrick Sebastian


OtoHelp adalah sebuah aplikasi yang membantu pengguna Otomotif disaat mengalami masalah seputar otomotif. Nama OtoHelp sendiri terisnpirasi dari “Oto” yang berarti kendaraan dan “Help” yang berarti tolong. Latar belakang tercetusnya OtoHelp adalah pengalaman owner sendiri disaat kehabisan bbm diwaktu berkendara di wilayah sepi dan jauh dari spbu. Sehingga menyulitkan pengendara untuk mendapatkan bantuan. Dengan adanya OtoHelp, pengguna dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan pertolongan disaat kehabisan bbm atau.OtoHelp juga menyediakan service bertipe “GO”,dimana pengguna dapat memesan montir untuk service kendaraanya.Secara darurat ataupun rutin. Dinggal “klik” masalah anda terselesaikan.


Indonesia memiliki jumlah kendaraan bermotor dengan total 104,118,969 unit pada tahun 2013 sesuai data dari Kepolisian Republik Indonesia. Dengan banyaknya kendaraan yang tersebar diseluruh kawasan pancasila,ada kemungkinan terdapatnya kendaraan yang mengalami kehabisan bbm/kerusakan di tengah jalan.OtoHelp dapat mengatasi keadaan darurat ini dengan fitur panggilan mengisi bbm dan juga pemesanan montir.


OtoHelp memiliki 2 fitur utama yaitu fitur pemesanan bbm ke lokasi on the spot dan pemesanan montir ke lokasi on the spot,
Dalam fitur pemesanan bbm seorang pengguna app OtoHelp dapat memesan bbm secara online ketika dalam keadaan darurat(mobil kehabisan bensin) atau ketika dalam keadaan non-critical juga(ketika tidak ada waktu untuk mengisi bbm,sehingga perlu seorang agen OtoHelp untuk datang ke lokasi untuk mengisikan bensin).OtoHelp menjalinkan kerjasama dengan SPBU di sekitar daerah jabodetabek(terbatas pada daerah ini pada awalnya).SPBU menyediakan agen yang memiliki persediaan bensin dalam bentuk sachetan serta sebuah mode transportasi yang anti-macet(motor) untuk melakukan pengisian bbm.
Fitur pemesanan montirnya memiliki konsep yang mirip dengan fitur pemesanan bbm sebelumnya,tetapi dalam hal ini OtoHelp menjalinkan kerjasama dengan bengkel-bengkel daerah jabodetabok.OtoHelp menyediakan berbagai macam pilihan kerusakan yang mungkin dialami oleh pengguna app,serta juga menyediakan segi komen untuk memperjelas kerusakan.
Seiring perkembangan aplikasi “OtoHelp”, kami sadar bahwa ide kami bukanlah yang pertama. Sebagai contoh “OBENG”, dan “montirgw.com” merupakan aplikasi terdahulu, namun seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi kami yakin kami mampu menyaingi aplikasi terdahulu, tentu aplikasi ini sudah mencakup seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan pemesanan ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia yang sudah terregistrasi mitra.

Manfaat OtoHelp Bagi Konsumen

Ketika kendaraan anda bermasalah dan anda membutuhkan montir atau bbm dengan cepat, maka anda dapat memesanya melalui aplikasi OtoHelp. Anda dapat melakukan perbaikan kendaraan anda dirumah atau di tempat anda mengalami masalah, tinggal pesan melalui aplikasi OtoHelp dan kemudian pihak OtoHelp akan mengirimkan montir atau BBM ke rumah/ lokasi pemesanan.

Manfaat OtoHelp Bagi Mitra

Untuk anda yang memiliki keahlian bidang otomotif ada banyak manfaat yang bisa anda dapatkan jika bergabung sebagai mitra OtoHelp sebagai penyedia jasa layanan otomotif ini. Salah satu manfaatnya adalah anda mendapatkan sumber penghasilan baru dengan jam kerja yang fleksibel dengan sistem bagi hasil 70% untuk penyedia jasa dan 30% untuk pihak OtoHelp. Jadi anda akan diberi keleluasaan untuk menerima order sehingga anda dapat menyesuaikan jadwal sesuai aktifitas anda.
Persaingan pasar

Aplikasi OtoHelp mengubah cara anda mengisi BBM dan memperbaiki kendaraan anda. Aplikasi OtoHelp kami membuat prosesnya menjadi sangat mudah dan nyaman. Tanpa kepanasan,hujan, macet, membuang-buang bensin anda, tanpa habis waktu anda di jalan, tanpa report mengantri dan menunggu lama di bengkel maupun SPBU.

Customer OtoHelp dapat langsung memesan BBM, menyampaikan kerusakan-kerusakan kendaraannya dan bisa mengetahui kerusakan tersebut, pay as service, membayar sesuai kerusakan yang ada, tanpa fee tambahan setelah service, dapat berkomunikasi langsung dengan para montir yang datang untuk memperbaiki, dan yang paling penting, mendapatkan hasil yang diinginkan dalam harga yang terjangkau.

Daftar Pusaka

Biodata Owner

Nama : Shidiq Febrianto
NIM : 2001584401
Alamat : Perum. Alinda 2 Blok C5/20 Rt.007/027 Kaliabang Tengah, Bekasi Utara 17125
Nomor Telfon : 082214834800
Email : shidiqfebrianto0@gmail.com
Nama : Stefani Vania
NIM : 20015
Alamat :
Nomor Telfon :
Email : stefanivania22@gmail.con
Nama : Ndy Pratama
NIM : 20015
Alamat :
Nomor Telfon :
Email :
Nama : Patrick Sebastian
NIM : 20015
Alamat :
Nomor Telfon :
Email :

A binusian’s Baby Steps

Step 1:GO(General Orientation)


The General Orientation(G.O),part of FEP(Freshman Enrichment Program),was my first baby steps towards the finish line of the first part of my journey as a College student in Binus University,which is becoming a full fledged Binusian.

I am going to trail this post in an algorithmic way so bear with me now.

I woke up early.The first time i did since a whole 3 months of suspended animation with my head blobbed in the computer screen pleasuring myself with the contempt of destroying another enemy army in my favorite video game.Brushed my teeth,and ate breakfast,yet another plate of junk install noodles going through my intestinum tenue.I swear one of these days they will kill me,yet they are the first things that come to mind when i am hungry.Bollocks…

So enough about my algorithm on getting up.We’re going to the good parts now.By good i mean “this place will determine my future so i gotta be serius” good.After a surprisingly comfortable ride on a Gojek motorcycle, i saw that campus in earnest detail for the first time,and all i think off it was “wow,its old..”.Of course i was looking at Syahdan Campus.This building has been clinging onto mother earth since 1984. I looked around for room K3C,which where my faculty(Mobile Apps & Technology)will be “Generally” oriented.Turns our faculty is the smallest amongst any other faculty,numbering just around 30 students.So we were joint with a few students from  another faculty,design interior.This contingent of freshmen now numbering 62 strong are about to be brought up the binusian way.And what was the first endeavor we must accomplish together?A yell-yell.Typical freshman role call.

We were given a few days to come up with a yell-yell.We formed teams to make our yell-yell per team as to come up with a creative yell-yell derived from parts of our group separately,yet forming a unified shout.As i can quote from myself,”a legion will not achieve victory without cooperation between it’s cohorts”.For those of you who don’t know much about ancient roman armies,what i was saying per say is basically”a large group cannot achieve success without specific small groups doing it’s parts”. Having said this though,i didn’t really contribute much to this effort. Partly because i don’t like doing non-boot camp style yell-yells.I was happy that my newly acquainted friends pulled through for the group. This is what teamwork is for,plugging in for the weakness of it’s members (me XD).Speaking of friends,these bunch of ethnically diverse yahoos were completely different from my highschool friends,be it in a pleasant way. They were reliable,easy-going,funny and most importantly non-judgemental.They were awesome to talk with and not cocky,unlike highschool-ish exclusivity.These people got me through my 6… 7 days (maybe…i forgot) of GO.Come time for the yell-yell,we weren’t stars,yet we weren’t stared at like inmates either,which i prefer.Turns out some other group were also using “desert” and the “doraemon” theme song as part of their yell-yell,o well..

I’m closing this part of my GO experience now because honestly i didn’t remember much more of it,besides getting acquainted with some parts of the old Syahdan campus and getting a few directions on using the media to learn as a binusian student(we’re much more techy than other college students from other universities).So overall,it was a great start for me as a Binusian 2020 freshman.


Step 2: AO (Academic Orientation)

The Academic orientation,no idea what the difference was with GO honestly.Neither do i remember much of it because i couldn’t tell whether i was still in GO or AO.Memories were hazy.All i could think of about AO was that it was also part of FEP.But on AO sessions we spent more time in the newer building,Anggrek campus.Since i don’t have anything interesting to share i’ll just go on to the next part of my journey,and trust me it was the highlight of my series of orientations,maybe even for every other freshmen.coming up…


Step 3: Organization skills

This was the best part of all my Binusian orientation sessions.Why?you might ask.Cuz i practically had a FREE,ALL-IN-ONE,EDUCATIVE, INFORMATIVE,concert.I mean people might have been in concerts with live music and a thousand curses going in,out and through their ears. Of course,i’m referring to a rock concert haha…

Well let me tell you that this concert rocked far harder than a rock concert.It had live music,education,entertainment,martial arts,sports demonstrations, and with all intents and purposes,it wasn’t even meant to be a concert.It was held in Anggrek campus’s auditorium and was filled by 600 odd-ish freshmen. It was a part of our freshmen program that looked into organizational skills and more importantly specialization in soft skills.This “presentation”(more like a concert to me) was arranged by the students, for the freshmen students.Shows what democracy can get done,and why communism is dying.Viva La Democracia.

The highlight of this concert/session was the UKMs(unit kegiatan mahasiswa) or roughly translated by yours truly,CSAU or “college student’s activities unit”.Each and every CSAU demonstrated what their unit had to offer,and boy did i enjoy the musical and martial arts, especially the martial arts.What concert lets you enjoy a nice soothing instrumental ensemble performance and then watch an aikido specialist kick a living punching bag in the nuts(last part was a joke).It was an awesome experience.And i found my perfect after-college community. the english club BNEC(Bina Nusantara English Club) and the japanese community club,Nihhon club.

Overall this was the undisputed highlight of all of my orientation session during my early Binusian journey.It was awesome.


Step 4:Http

Uhm….Simply….i joined in for the SAT points.

enough said….